top 10 beautiful restaurant in dhaka
Hanif Biriyani
113 Central Rd, Dhaka 1205
If you are more fond of food then this restaurant is for you.Here you will find all kinds of food and you can enjoy and eat the food of your choice.Its students are very important for more food at low cost.
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Thai Chi Restaurant & Cafe
Bijay Sarani Rangs Bhaban, Level 7, 117/A, Puraton Biman Bondor Sarak,Dhaka 1216, Dhaka 1216
The most popular and luxurious restaurant in terms of excellent customization and decoration.You will be able to come here and cheer up your mind and your restaurant craving for food will die.So don't delay, visit the above location.
Bukhara Restaurant
17th Floor, Iqbal Center, 42 Kemal Ataturk Ave, Dhaka 1213
Top 10 night club in bangladesh
Its students are very well known for food lovers.All kinds of Chinese passport dishes are available here.You can come and find the food of your choice here.
Block G, House No, 38 Rd No. 11, Dhaka 1213
This restaurant is considered to be the best pair of all time with delicious food like Nandani and decoration and bringing water to the tongue.Here you will find all kinds of items of your choice that you can eat in parcel delivery or at the restaurant.So come without delay according to the location given above and eat the food of your choice.
New Babul Restaurant
Farmgate - Tejturi Bazar Rd, Dhaka 1215
New Babul Restaurant is a popular restaurant where you can find all kinds of Chinese passport dishes.All VIP type food is available here at all times.You can eat in parcels or directly at the restaurant
Red Orchid Restaurant & Party Center
400 New Eskaton Road, Dhaka 1000
The student has organized the name Junior Decoration and delicious food for the food lovers.So without wasting time, come to enjoy the taste of food like water on the tongue
Bangaliana Voj - বাঙালিয়ানা ভোজ
20/5 West, Panthapath, Dhaka 1205
Many Bengalis Bengali Bhoj Restaurant is a popular restaurant.Here you will find all kinds of items.Can be eaten from delivery parcel or present of choice.But you will be impressed by the quality of their decoration.
397/B Shahid Baki Rd, Dhaka 1219
Kavan Restaurant is a luxurious and traditional passport student.From chicken fry butterfly to all kinds of passports and Chinese food you will find here.
Bangla Restaurant
28/a Toyenbee Circular Rd, Dhaka
The environment is beautiful, the quality of your food is beautiful and your mind is happy.And overcoming all these problems, this restaurant has come up with some delicious food for you, such as entertainment, decoration and tongue-in-cheek.
Boomers Cafe
Navana Baily Star (3rd Floor) 9 Nawratan Colony, New Baily Rd, Dhaka
Come to this restaurant now, you will get all kinds of items here, you can enjoy parcel delivery or you can eat from the present.